Stress Management


Amygdala Hijack

🚩Have you heard of the AMYGDALA HIJACK? The fight or flight response is activated by the amygdalae – two almond-shaped structures, no bigger than a couple of cubic centimetres, each located near the centre of our brain in the temporal lobes 🧠. The amygdalae decide whether external stimuli like sights ...

Trying Things On

Have you ever tried to be like someone else? I saw 2 teenage girls walking along together, talking away to each other, and noticed that one of them seemed distracted by the difficulty she was having walking in her shoes. They were ‘heels’ and she appeared to be struggling with ...

Anger Management: Seeing Red?

We express our emotions in an array of colour; seeing red , being yellow-bellied, tickled pink , green with envy, browned off or white with rage. We might be in a black mood or feeling blue, and we can experience them all with a purple passion. These are all expressions ...