Emotional Intelligence

white flower

Weathering the storm

🎢Life can be full of ups and downs, and sometimes the #stresses and #challenges we face can seem overwhelming. 🌾This beautiful snowdrop, with its elegant petals and subtle markings, serves as a reminder that #resilience is ingrained in the fabric of life. Despite their delicate and fragile appearance, they have ...

How Do You Feel?

Do you struggle to express your feelings? 🤔 If so, here are some reasons why: 🚫 The British culture prides itself in maintaining a ‘stiff upper lip’😐. We like to ‘grin and bear it’ and ‘keep calm and carry on’. Most of us are not taught HOW to express our ...

From Resistance to Taking Responsibility

🛎️All negative emotions are caused by RESISTANCE. When we feel angry, depressed, discouraged, fearful, or stressed we focus on justifying the situation we are in: 😠I’m angry because… I was just blamed for something that wasn’t my responsibility😔I’m depressed because… it doesn’t seem to matter how hard I work, it ...

Amygdala Hijack

🚩Have you heard of the AMYGDALA HIJACK? The fight or flight response is activated by the amygdalae – two almond-shaped structures, no bigger than a couple of cubic centimetres, each located near the centre of our brain in the temporal lobes 🧠. The amygdalae decide whether external stimuli like sights ...